Speed questions (and some positive feedback)

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Speed questions (and some positive feedback)

Post by jzero42 » Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:27 pm

I bought my Geeetech I3 Pro B a few weeks ago.

First of all, I have to say, I am pretty impressed! Especially considering the price/value ratio, but I also was lucky to get a well packed shipment, no bent rods, metallic Z axis ends and carriage,, everything working great! So hats off to Geeetech!

Now, my question is speed. I am using the default 0.3mm head, though I plan to replace it with a 0.4mm, because prints take a lot of time. Smaller prints take 30-60 to 90 minutes, that's not bad, medium size prints (like Catan 3D board game tiles) take 2-3.5 hours.

I am using the "default" speed settings in Repetier/Slic3r, but I have found that even if I change the speed factor to 150-180% or 200% during prints, it still runs fine. I am using PLA at about 205-210 degrees C, I also used ABS a bit, but I need some enclosure for that to not get warped.

What are the good speed settings? What are your experiences? I feel I am "underclocking" the printer and wasting time.

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