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Retraction doesn't work on my Geeetech E180

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:17 pm
by LavenderBirch
I recently received my Geeetech E180 from kickstarter campaign. I'm a linux user so I didn't plan to use their windows only slicer software anyway and people had had good luck using 3rd party slicers anyway.

I installed Slic3r prusa edition and put in these settings

Layer height 0.2
Nozzle diameter 0.4
Speed 40mm/s
travel 80mm/s
Filament 1.75
Temperature 200
retraction 4mm
retraction speed 40mm/s
bed size 130x130x130

And so on, pretty close to what their slicer had as default but no matter what I set to retraction or retraction speed, it simply wouldn't do any retraction. It would always leave the movement lines as if they were print lines.

Another curious thing I noticed is that when I manually extrude or retract filament from the UI on the printer it extrudes in both cases. I thought that was firmware issue so I got my wife's windows laptop, installed their easyprint 3d, updated the firmware and sliced using their slicer, still no retraction.

Any ideas?

Re: Retraction doesn't work on my Geeetech E180

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:28 pm
by igorf7
Open the package box Step 2.Take out GIANTARM D200 from the box; put it on the flat surface. Step3. Take out the accessories from the foam box in order.
UPSers website

Re: Retraction doesn't work on my Geeetech E180

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:45 pm
by Baize458
The Geeetech E180 melts plastic during printing. ... E180 can run stand-alone with a TF card, untethered to your computer. All you need to.

Rapidfs Login

Re: Retraction doesn't work on my Geeetech E180

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 3:59 am
by benkayle8
I recently received my Geeetech E180 from kickstarter campaign.
I'm a linux user so I didn't plan to use their windows only slicer software anyway and people had had good luck using 3rd party slicers anyway.

And so on, pretty close to what their slicer had as default but no matter what I set to retraction or retraction speed, it simply wouldn't do any retraction. It would always leave the movement lines as if they were print lines.

Another curious thing I noticed is that when I manually extrude or retract filament from the UI on the printer it extrudes in both cases. I thought that was firmware issue so I got my wife's windows laptop, installed their easyprint 3d, updated the firmware and sliced using their slicer, still no retraction.