Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

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Lami René
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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by Lami René » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:46 pm


You can find the original text into English following this original French text.

Vous trouverez le texte original traduit en anglais à la suite du présent texte originale en français.

Comment connecter un capteur 3D Touch sur la carte contrôleur GTM32 Pro de votre imprimante delta Geeetech Rostock 301 (M301) ?


L'ami René
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Excuse me, I am unilingual francophone and I use Google translator to translate the texts of the forum in French and to write to you in English. Thank you for your understanding and your indulgence for these texts translated mechanically!

How to connect a 3D Touch sensor to the GTM32 Pro controller card of your Geeetech Rostock 301 (M301) delta printer?


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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by William » Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:20 am

As far as i know,the GTM32 Pro doesn't not support 3D touch sensor temporarily.
-Keep your mind and try to test it. :)
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Lami René
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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by Lami René » Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:32 pm

Hello William,
Bonjour William,

You will find the original text translated into English following this original French text.

Vous trouverez le texte original traduit en anglais à la suite du présent texte original en français.

Je sais, mais c'est temporaire, vous-même et votre service avez promis les modifications pour bientôt.

En voici la preuve : ... -1008.html

« mathieu chamberland | 10/09/2016

hi !!! are you working on the auto-leveling fonction ??? im ready to buy one but i need the autoleveling fonction !!! your 3D touch probe work with this board ???

William Kwok | 10/11/2016

Hi,we're still working on the Auto-leveling on 301,please stay tuned.I believe it will be available soon. »

Traduis en français, cela donne :

« Mathieu chamberland | 10/09/2016

Salut !!! Travaillez-vous sur la fonction de nivellement automatique? Im prêt à acheter un, mais j'ai besoin de la fonction autoleveling !!! Votre sonde tactile 3D fonctionne avec cette carte ???

William Kwok | 10/11/2016

Salut, nous travaillons toujours sur le nivellement automatique sur 301, restez à l'écoute. Je crois qu'il sera disponible bientôt. »

Donc, je souhaite pour Noël !

N'est pas vous qui avez écrit cette réponse sur la page de l'imprimante.

Est-ce que vous cherchez à me décourager ?


L'ami René
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hello William,

Excuse me, I am unilingual francophone and I use Google translator to translate the texts of the forum in French and to write to you in English. Thank you for your understanding and your indulgence for these texts translated mechanically!

I know, but it's temporary, you and your service have promised the changes soon.

Here is the proof: ... -1008.html

" Mathieu chamberland | 10/09/2016

Hi !!! Are you working on the self-leveling function ??? Im ready to buy one but need the autoleveling function !!! Your 3D touch probe work with this board ???

William Kwok | 10/11/2016

Hi, we're still working on the Auto-leveling on 301, please stay tuned.I believe it will be available soon."

Translated into French, this gives:

« Mathieu chamberland | 10/09/2016

Salut !!! Travaillez-vous sur la fonction de nivellement automatique? Im prêt à acheter un, mais j'ai besoin de la fonction autoleveling !!! Votre sonde tactile 3D fonctionne avec cette carte ???

William Kwok | 10/11/2016

Salut, nous travaillons toujours sur le nivellement automatique sur 301, restez à l'écoute. Je crois qu'il sera disponible bientôt. »

So I wish for Christmas!

You did not write this answer on the printer page:

Are you trying to discourage me?


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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by daveapplemotors » Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:55 pm

Regarding my Geeetech Prusa i3 A pro I have a question:

What makes the touch sensor extend itself in the center of the bed?

Whether I use G28 from Repetier or Auto Home from my control box it behaves the same. The extruder nozzle goes to the middle of the bed. It goes down and collides with the bed. My sensor does not deploy!
It does extend itself 2 times when I turn on the power but not 3 times. It blinks slightly like it wants to extend 3 times. The LED stays on after that. No alarm. M280 P0 S10, M280 P0 S120, M280 P0 S160, M280 P0 S90 all work properly.

After weeks of trying I am close to success... But "no cigar". It is frustrating.

Please look at my configuration.h and pins.h to help me finish.
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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by NiklasO » Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:59 pm

It does only move twice at power on. No error.
If it doesn't move the pin, check your signal wire (orange). Refer to my earlier posts in this thread. I will look at your configuration soon.

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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by NiklasO » Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:36 pm

I mean, earlier posts in this thread: ... 27&t=18263

(can't edit my posts again)

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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by daveapplemotors » Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:04 pm

Thanks, NiklasO

I should have a zipper on my control box instead of 11 screws because I take the top off so often!
I just checked again. The orange wire connects to Z-max signal. Zero ohms resistance from connector at sensor to the board.

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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by Jonwal61 » Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:18 pm

Hi Guys i just got my BL touch installed but cant get any power to the servo pins ? any ideas

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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by BlastF » Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:10 pm

Hello, i'm trying to set the right distance between the nozzle and the heatbed following the point 3 of the guide but i get no result, the height no matter what i do is always the same, plus when i home the 3 axis together with the repetier host the home is set at X 89 Y 137 instead of X 0 Y 0. What should i do? i'm getting tired of this...

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Re: Something you need to know before using 3D Touch

Post by NiklasO » Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:45 pm

Home is about those coordinates when you have "safe homing" enabled in firmware. Move to X0 Y0 by sending G1 X0 Y0 after homing. It should move to front left (but home first or it won't move).
The distance should change if you change the Z offset. If you change it to something extremely high (in the + range), it does nothing?
Don't forget to do M502 followed by M500 after uploading firmware. The Z offset stores in EEPROM if you have that enabled and that will be used FIRST. If you change the offset in Configuration.h and upload it without restoring EEPROM to defaults with M502 - M500 it will use the first offset set from the first Configuration.h uploaded and used on the board first time using the printer.

M502 will load the settings stated in Configuration.h, M500 will save them to EEPROM. You can control the Z offset by using M851 Z-1.5 followed by M500 to save. You don't need to upload firmware to change that. While testing, you could also turn off EEPROM to make the printer use the settings from your Configuration.h every time. You can also set the offset using the LCD menu. Control -> Motion -> Z Offset and then Control -> "Store memory" after change.

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