A20 support Cura

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A20 support Cura

Post by sebasd » Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:53 pm

Hi friends

My A20 printer does a great work as long as no support is needed. As soon as I add support or need support it ends up with an awful surface that it should support, see image. The surface that it should support look terrible, rough and it builds no layer, just continues top print as there was support needed.
Why does it act like this?
What you see is the layer that was on the bed when printing = upside down.

The suppprt was added to keep the wall on the right place. Unfortunately this wall is visible all the time and this part took about 23 hours to print so I did really not expect this damged surface to be there.
It has happened before all the times and I tried roof, bottom on support and that does not help at all.

My settings in cura for support are these;
Support structure: Normal
Support placement: Everywhere
Support overhang angle: 60
Support pattern: Line
Support density: 25
Support z distance: 0.2 (have tried 0.1 does not help)
Support x/y distance: 0.7
Support horizontal expansion: 0.0
Support infill layer thickness: 0.2
Gradual support infill steps: 0
Enable support interface: NO
Enable support roof: NO (tried es, does not help)
Enable support floor: NO (does not help either in ON)

So how to get a surface that has a long overhang flat and not this ugly and rough?
Printed part.
printpart.jpg (300.17 KiB) Viewed 1722 times

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