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Dead Printer! Geeetch i3

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:40 pm
by susanchallis
I am very new to 3D printing but have managed to print cookie cutters without any problem until recently! I was using a cutter programme from a reliable safe provider and the print stopped everytime at 47%. On seeking advice it was suggested that perhaps I didn't have the current firmware. So I followed the instructions and updated the firmware and this is where the issue is. My printer will not do anything if I power it on alone, if I plug it into my PC the screen comes up on the printer as normal but you can not do anything with it such as change settings, select print etc. Also the fans don't start either. Could I have uploaded the incorrect firmware? I have tried to look at which model I have and I believe it is the Geeetech i3 pro b, however when I look at the easy print it was saying it was a D200? I would be grateful for any help! Thank you

Re: Dead Printer! Geeetch i3

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:58 pm
by lyputiguge
Geotech format has the list of data to get the facilitation of the different columns it was good to have the feature list. Quick link of the format fields on this act that was at Iv therapy near me with the act of features on extruder among the attraction ports they also have the board of the index features on it.